Midjourney Explains How to Draw Hands

Current image generation models are notoriously bad at generating hands. What happens when how-to-draw teaching materials are included in the training set and then you ask it to generate teaching materials for how to draw hands?

Sources: dieki and treyratcliff from r/midjourney.

Four sketches surrounded by nonsense text as if from an art textbook about how to draw hands, but most of the hands have six fingers rather than the usual five, suggest that fingernails are possibly on the palm-side of the hand, and that the thumbnail extends from the tip of the thumb all the way back to the first knuckle. Four sketches surrounded by nonsense text as if from an art textbook about how to draw hands, but two of hands have six fingers rather than the usual five, two have fingers that are too small, one has fingers that are too large, and most are drawn to suggest that the fingernails are on the palm-side of the hand. Four sketches surrounded by nonsense text as if from an art textbook about how to draw hands, but one has six fingers rather than the usual five, one has seven, and one has nine. Another hand is shown with thumbs on both sides. A few hands are drawn to suggest that the fingernails are on the palm-side of the hand. One hand has a too-large thumbnail that itself has another, smaller thumbnail. Four sketches surrounded by nonsense text as if from an art textbook about how to draw hands, but off in various ways. Several hands have six fingers instead of the usual five. One hand sketch shows fingers too-widely spaced while two others show fingers far too-closely spaced. One sketch shows the lines of the bones inside the hand that connect the fingers to the wrist crossing over one another. One sketch one finger with two fingernails. Another shows palm-crease lines that suggest that the palm closes side-to-side. Another shows fingers with too many knuckles. The most confused sketch suggests a finger grid, where fingers are chains of knuckles that go both along the hand and across the hand. Four artistic sketches of hands, as if drawn in pencil, but the hands are all misshapen. Two hands have three extra fingers erupting from the center of the palm. One hand has two additional thumbs in the palm, with the pinky erupting from the back of the hand. Three of the hands show fingernails on the palm-side of the hand. One has a claw where the thumbnail would be. Several sketched diagrams surrounded by nonsense text as if it is a page about how to draw hands from an art textbook, but the hands are misshapen in various ways. Most of the hands have too many fingers -- up to ten. Several of the hands lack a thumb. Two diagrams appear to attempt to depict interlaced fingers, but come out a non-physical confused tangle of knuckles. One of the diagrams is photographic rather than sketched and shows a hand with an extra knuckle erupting from the palm, a wide middle finger that partially splits in two at the base, and a very small pinky.